Saturday, August 25, 2012

No Sleeping In

It's Saturday, and my child still woke me up at 6:45am, (I've got to work harder at keeping him up later on Friday nights, I suppose).  He said he didn't mean to wake me when he was crawling around on the floor around my bed and blowing at my hair the back of my head.  If waking me up wasn't the intention then I'm a little scared to learn what was.  He won the battle against a rested mommy and I got up and made pancakes and bacon.  I've got to recommend Oscar Meyer select bacon, smoked but uncured, no nitrates or nitrites, (it's the new line of products with the little green leaves on it).  It cooked so well, crispy and perfect.  I baked it on a foil lined cookie sheet at 415 degrees for a little less than 15 minutes, (I start checking it at 12 minutes).  If you've never cooked bacon in the oven you have to try it, it's life changing.  No mess and WAY less work.  My only suggestion is put thicker pieces on the edges of the pan and thinner ones toward the middle so that they all cook evenly. 

Last night we watched Beethoven, the movie about the unruly but lovable St Bernard.  I haven't seen that movie in so long.  Scotty thought it was hilarious, me too.  We started Friday Family Movie Night when he was in kindergarten, I thought it was a good way to get him through the school week, looking forward to Friday nights.  He loves it, he always plans out the snacks. I hate to think about it ever ending but I'm sure there will come a day when spending Friday night watching movies with your mom won't be cool :(

I made Scotty a couple more felt Angry Birds this week.  They turned out so cute.  He likes to build structures with Lincoln logs and throw the birds at them.

We've got a fun day planned today.  We're going to lunch downtown at Sweetwater Cafe, Scotty's been asking to go there for months now, then off to the aquarium with Monkga & Pappy.  I think we might be able to squeeze in a trip to Cupcake, as well.  Hope you all have a great weekend, the weather is supposed to be gorgeous here!

1 comment:

  1. Love your felt birds (and pigs)! So cute!! What a lucky kid!
    PS- Butterball makes the best turkey bacon. try it sometime. YUM!
