Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The First Day Of The Second Grade!

Today was the first day of the 2nd grade and Scotty was super excited!  I'm seriously lucky that way, in that he loves school and has yet to give me any trouble about waking up every morning and getting ready for school.  He thinks that he's mature now, he actually asked me what men use to smell good.  I quickly shot down the idea of wearing deodorant and cologne to elementary school.
The school parking lot was a madhouse, they actually converted a field beside the school into extra parking.  We arrived 10 minutes before the school doors are open, (40 minutes before school actually starts and the regular parking lot was already full!).  As we walked down the halls I saw so many kindergarten moms tearing up, I sort of felt like I might cry dropping of my big boy.  I got a big hug before leaving the classroom but no kisses, he told me that he was too big to give/receive kisses at school but he whispered that it would still be okay at home.

I made an Angry Bird themed lunch for him, he's super excited.  I was pretty proud of the creation.  It took a lot of time, definitely more than I anticipated, but he's worth it!
I'm making one of Scotty's favorite meals tonight as a 'back to school' celebration, hot dog roll-ups and tater tots, (I know, super nutritious, right?!?).  It's a simple recipe though, the direction are on the back of Pillsbury Crescent Roll packs.  Basically you take the number of hot dogs you need, cut a slit length-wise and put a little sliver of American cheese in it.  Then roll the hot dog up in the crescent roll, rolling the dough as you would normally to make the crescents.  Bake them at 375 for around 13-15 minutes.  They're tasty! 

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